EDF Action is advocating for solutions that promote climate action, protect public health, and preserve the economic and environmental well-being of our communities – and the people in them – for this and future generations.

We worked tirelessly to secure passage of President Biden’s clean energy plan, which saves consumers money, creates good-paying, family-sustaining jobs and helps ensure the health and safety of individuals and their communities, all while tackling the climate crisis head on. The clean energy plan will be the most successful once operationalized in our states. We continue to work to maximize the plan’s benefits and in the service of just and equitable implementation so that all our communities will thrive.

Real progress is being made on climate and while there’s much to cheer, we’re not done. The path forward is clear – and clean.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) are accelerating the clean energy transition that is well underway. Solar and wind play a part but it’s also EVs and electric school buses, energy efficient homes and the electric grid of the future to power it all. What these landmark laws also do is facilitate reductions in greenhouse gas pollution including emissions of carbon that are contributing to climate change. Compelling polluters to reduce their emissions is the backbone of cap-and-trade programs we’re championing from east to west.

The hyper-warming of the planet has been driven by carbon and methane pollution that is fouling our air and contributing to extreme weather events including heat and drought, superstorms, and wildfires. Methane is an intense short-term climate pollutant and as such, EDF helped lead the charge on the EPA’s national methane standards for oil and gas emissions announced at COP 28 in Dubai. EDF also launched MethaneSAT into orbit in early 2024 and our eye in the sky will now track and report on methane emissions globally. Back on the ground, our objective is the clean air we all deserve in the name of better health and safety.

Clean water is also a must if our families and communities are to thrive. From the heat-stressed Southwest to the states that make up the Colorado River compact, we’re working toward just and equitable solutions so that clean water is available to all who need it. Our efforts on climate-smart agriculture and a forward-looking Farm Bill serve to maximize our natural resources. Keeping our children safe and healthy anchors provisions in BIL that seek to remove lead pipes in cities across the U.S. in the name of clean water.