Strong support for Congressional efforts to reinstate federal methane protections

The Senate recently passed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to restore federal oil and gas methane protections with a bipartisan vote, clearing the way for the Biden EPA to enact next-generation methane standards. The House of Representatives is expected to soon take up this resolution.

Methane protections that require companies to use cost-effective tools and off-the-shelf technologies to find and plug methane leaks are good for the climate, good for public health and good for business. New peer-reviewed research also underscores the importance of curbing oil and gas methane emissions to protect public health, reach our climate goals and avert the worst impacts of a warming planet.

All of this is why we’re seeing an outpouring of support from business and consumer groups, state and tribal officials, local government officials, outdoor recreation and tourism leaders, environmental and conservation groups, health and faith leaders, and even the oil and gas industry itself in favor of this CRA.

Energy companies:

Business and consumer groups

State and tribal officials

Local government officials

  • Commissioner Ralph Becker, 34th Mayor of Salt Lake City and Executive Director of The Central Wasatch Commission, Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Mayor Andy Beerman, Park City, Utah
  • Mayor Emily Niehaus, City of Moab, Utah

Outdoor recreation & tourism leaders

  • Tom Adams, Chief Operating Officer, Petzl
  • Caroline Gleich, Adventure Athlete
  • Vern Greco, President & CEO, Pacific Group Resorts Inc.
  • Jason Keith, Managing Director, Public Land Solutions
  • Ashley Korenblat, CEO, Western Spirit Cycling
  • Peter Metcalf, Founder and CEO Emeritus, Black Diamond
  • Nathan Rafferty, President & CEO, Ski Utah
  • Davis Smith, Founder & CEO, Cotopaxi

Conservation, environmental, and grassroots organizations

From this sign on letter unless noted

  • Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
  • Brighter GreenChapel Hill Organization for Clean Energy
  • Citizens Caring for the Future
  • Clean Air Council
  • Clean Air Task Force
  • Clean Water Action
  • Climate Advocates Voces Unidas (CAVU)
  • Climate Law & Policy Project
  • Conservation Colorado
  • Conservation Voters New Mexico
  • Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship
  • Dakota Resource Council
  • Defend Our Future
  • Earth Action, Inc.
  • Earthjustice
  • Earthworks
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • Grand Canyon Trust
  • League of Conservation Voters
  • League of Oil and Gas Impacted Coloradans
  • National Parks Conservation Association
  • National Wildlife Federation
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • New Mexico Sportsmen
  • Pennsylvania Environmental Council
  • Powder River Basin Resource Council
  • ProgressNow Colorado
  • Protect All Children’s Environment
  • Public Citizen
  • Project CoffeeHouse
  • Rachel Carson Council
  • Responsible Drilling Alliance
  • Río Grande Indivisible
  • Rocky Mountain Farmers Union
  • Sierra Club
  • The Greater Prince William Climate Action Network
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • The Ohio Environmental Council
  • The Wilderness Society
  • Waterkeeper Alliance
  • Western Colorado Alliance
  • Western Organization of Resource Councils

Environmental, social justice and equality focused organizations

  • Center for Civic Policy
  • Center for Human Rights and Environment
  • GreenLatinos
  • Hispanic Access Foundation
  • Fort Berthold POWER
  • National Organization for Women

Faith-based organizations

  • Evangelical Environmental Network
  • Franciscan Action Network
  • Interfaith Power & Light
  • New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
  • Young Evangelicals for Climate Action

Public health groups

  • Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
  • Health Action New Mexico
  • Healthy Air & Water Colorado
  • Moms Clean Air Force
  • Sciencecorps

Our recent poll conducted by Morning Consult also found 79% of people, including 74% of Independents and 81% of Republicans, support congressional action requiring oil and gas companies to regularly check for and fix methane leaks.