EDF Action Launches Six-Figure Ad Campaign Supporting Clean Vehicle Policies

WASHINGTON, DC, July 24, 2024 – EDF Action has launched a six-figure ad campaign in key states in support of electric vehicle policies that aim to reduce health-harming greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. The transportation sector accounts for the largest portion of U.S. greenhouse gas pollution.

The two-pronged approach seeks to educate members of Congress on the latest in EV deployment and why they should vote against any clean car or truck rule rollbacks, as well as combat oil industry sponsored misinformation around clean vehicles on which Donald Trump doubled down during the Republican National Convention. The ads will appear on social as well as display advertising in key states and districts.

The testimonial from a retired nurse that owns an EV will air across Arizona and Pennsylvania on video display placements across the web, in addition to ad buys on X and Meta in New Mexico, Colorado and Washington state. 

“Consumers like the one in our ads are choosing to buy electric cars, trucks, and SUVs because the best way to avoid pain at the pump is to not have to go to the gas station at all,” said David Kieve, president of EDF Action. “When Americans have the facts, including learning about the $7,500 point-of-sale rebates that have saved Americans over a billion dollars and counting, we are confident that more of them will be behind the wheel of an electric-powered car. EDF Action is committed to giving Americans the truth so that they can make informed decisions.”

These campaigns build on previous seven-figure campaigns by EDF Action to support EPA clean vehicle policies.