EDF Action is committed to electing climate champions and defeating climate deniers.

EDF Action, EDF Action PAC and EDF Action Votes collectively spent over $14 million in the 2022 election cycle as the second largest spender in the environmental community. And we got results, winning many of the Congressional and U.S. Senate races in which we engaged as well as prevailing in a majority of state and local races.

An overarching goal of our electoral work is to have an impact by investing in close races. Targeting the right message and communicating it authentically to voters is a winning combination. Case in point: We leaned into Spanish-language media in Arizona to help re-elect Sen. Mark Kelly in 2022. Similarly, in Louisiana, we heard the concerns of residents clamoring for an advocate for ratepayers and clean energy to help elect Davante Lewis to the state’s Public Service Commission, defeating an 18-year incumbent in the process.

Whether it’s local or national races, EDF Action and EDF Action PAC will continue to be on the ground and on the airwaves, in communities and in inboxes in 2024 and beyond to elect the climate champions we need in the name of climate action and environmental justice.