Shaping policies and taking climate action.

At EDF Action, we have a record of success on climate action. We do this work in collaboration with partners and allies, policymakers and people in communities across the country.

Bold, Green Actions across the nation

Whether we’re talking about consequential elections where our impact was determinative or mobilizing members and supporters to get the word, and the vote, out, our North Star is to deploy all available resources smartly and strategically. Nowhere has this been more important than in support of the clean energy plan, landmark climate legislation in the form of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) that have made available hundreds of billions of dollars to fight climate change right now as we build the clean energy economy of the future – right now.

Our Plan

EDF Action’s plan of action is to tackle the climate crisis head on by building community power on a national scale, deploying climate campaigns and solutions that are meaningful and resonant, and then electing the climate champions that will continue this essential work.

The climate crisis is here, now, and it’s existential. We have a plan and are ready to lead – now all we need is you. Working together, we will succeed.

We make real change on climate policies


Emails to D.C. supporting
the Inflation Reduction Act