EDF Action Formally Opposes Donald Trump's Candidacy for President

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 20, 2024 – EDF Action President David Kieve today released the following statement on the 2024 presidential race: 

“EDF Action is proudly committed to building bipartisan coalitions to advance sensible and effective environmental policy. In 2020, however, our board determined that the consequences of a second Trump term would be so catastrophic that we were left with no choice but to oppose his candidacy – the first time EDF Action had ever taken a side in a presidential race. 

“While we hoped that Donald Trump would be a distant memory by now, our nation is not so fortunate. Mr. Trump is all but assured to be the Republican nominee for president and leads in many general election polls. Make no mistake about the stakes: Mr. Trump is worse on our core issues today than he was four years ago. Mr. Trump’s antipathy to electric cars and renewable energy has deepened, and he has identified significantly expanding drilling for oil as one of his top day-one priorities, often coming even before his border wall. His allies have also written a comprehensive plan to eliminate environmental and public health protections while exacerbating the climate crisis that is already disrupting lives and communities.  

“All the progress we have made in the last four years is at risk. We have made historic investments in combatting the climate crisis, supercharging the clean energy transition, and addressing environmental injustice. We have gotten more done on climate than in any similar period in American history, and the contrast with Mr. Trump’s tenure in office could not be more dramatic.  

“Mr. Trump represents a unique threat to our air, water and public health. His policies would cause irreparable harm. There is no Trump-proofing the climate.  

“Progress requires all of us, and it’s critical that we keep moving forward to meet our climate goals and build a stronger, healthier and more prosperous America for everyone.”


Paid for by EDF Action, www.EDFAction.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.