Michigan Auto Dealer Charged Up for EVs in Latest EDF Action Ad

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 6, 2024 – Today, EDF Action released its latest ad in a $700K television and digital campaign to support strong clean car standards that will reduce climate pollution as they protect public health and save consumers money. In the ad, Eddie Hall of the Hall Automotive Group, a decades-old, family-run dealership with locations across Michigan, points out that not only do electric vehicles (EVs) save consumers money and require less maintenance, they also are the “wave of the future” and fun to drive. He would know: He drives a zero-emission Ford Mustang Mach-E himself. The auto dealer wants to have even more EVs available as he is selling a growing number every year.

To Hall’s point, 2023 saw a record number of EV sales – over 1.4 million, accounting for 9.1% of total passenger vehicle sales last year. EV sales in the U.S. in 2023 outperformed more than 85% of forecasts made between 2019 and 2022, according to a new analysis by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Bloomberg NEF forecast U.S. EV sales to be half of what they now are only a few years ago.

“Consumers want the freedom to make the choice in vehicle that’s right for them and for an ever-increasing number, that’s an EV,” said David Kieve, president of EDF Action. “These cars are moving based on price and performance and dealers are on board and eager to increase inventory. Buyers want a vehicle that pollutes less and saves more, and we support clean car standards that affirm that choice. It’s easy to choose a vehicle that runs cleaner, works better, and is light on the pocketbook.”

The new ad promotes the benefits of zero-emission vehicles including affordability and choice along with being environmentally friendly. Previous ads featured Gail, a retired nurse who loves the ease of her EV including reduced maintenance and never having to buy gas, and Mark, a Republican and Air Force veteran who noted that he knows performance when he sees it. For Mark, buying American and skipping foreign oil were further incentives to get him into an EV almost a decade ago. A recent analysis from Environmental Defense Fund showed that electric vehicles are increasingly a more affordable alternative in states from east to west, giving owners across the political spectrum the opportunity to drive clean cars.


Paid for by EDF Action, www.EDFAction.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.