Trump's VP Nominee Promotes an Anti-Climate, Anti-Environment Agenda

Statement of EDF Action President David Kieve

WASHINGTON, DC, July 15, 2024 – “Donald Trump’s anti-climate, anti-environment agenda is reinforced with his pick of J.D. Vance as the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Vance is on record calling green energy a “fantasy” as he calls for more natural gas, and labels EVs a “scam.” There will be no dissent with Trump, who has said he wants to be dictator on day one. His pro-industry, anti-consumer policy plans ensure that you will pay high prices at the pump. He wants to eliminate EPA protections that help ensure clean air and water and healthy communities. He vows to “end” popular cost-saving electric vehicle policies. MAGA Inc. and their Project 2025 playbook are all in on climate denial as extreme weather events fueled by climate change are wreaking havoc on American lives.”